Thursday, July 23, 2009

Streets are no fun but keep your head up

Stepping Stones
Every stone and rock in my life. Has been a painful experience, but an outcome of strife. Every problem to which I found no solution. Has been cause to try harder and find absolution. Every single failure and every single fall. Has been my inspiration to always give my all. Every obstacle that seemed too high. I gave it all effort and gave it a try. Even now that all seems lost, I never give up no matter the cost. Every day is a chance to do better, So I start a new chapter letter by letter. Mistakes will be made but I won’t be discouraged, But find more strength to keep me encouraged.


  1. Well done Nyssa I really liked this wonderful inspirational passage.Could you please tell why do people leave their homes when get addicted to the drugs?

  2. I cant answere for everybody. But I can say for me I really felt like nobody cared what was going on with me, Like nobody cared like I wasnt a good enough mom and lots of other reasons but being that I was already on drugs. That was the easiest escape route for me to get high and forget about my feelings my problems knowing that I left my family behind for drugs made me use more so I didnt have to deal with the reality of what I was doing to my family but most of all my buetifull baby girl!!!

  3. I appretiate your courage to take the responsibility for all,I am sure your sense of responsibility has changed you . You are a wonderful person.
